October 2017 Newsletter

Wednesday, October, 25th, 2017 at 2:33 pm by Melinda McCaw

Fall colors and new projects!

Fall is in full swing here in Grand Junction, CO. Fall colors are everywhere and very brilliant. At Melinda McCaw Media the creative juices are flowing as we create new designs and write custom code for the new awesome websites we are building for our amazing clients.

New Sites Launched

Check out the brand new re-designed TLC Pipeline website we just launched this month! We are excited to show off the new look and feel we created for them. The new website is mobile friendly/responsive with a new clean and modern look and feel. The user can easily find the information they are looking for in this new attractive website. Visit the new TLC Pipeline website today to learn more about the services they offer.

We are excited to share our latest brand new website launch! The new website for Withers Seidman Rice Mueller Goodbody P.C. just launched at withersseidman.com. Withers Seidman Rice Mueller Goodbody P.C. came to us in need of a redesign as well as a mobile friendly/responsive website. The new site looks fantastic and makes it easy to find out more information about the services they offer. Check out their new website today!

New Client Welcome

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest clients Kangaroo Storage and Mountain Coast Group. Excitement is building as we create a new look and feel for the Kangaroo Storage website while making the site much more user friendly. We will be building brand new websites for each of them in the weeks to come.

Tip of the Month

Are you trying to decide which platform to use for your new website? There are many platforms to choose from. Three popular website platforms for various reasons are: WordPress, SquareSpace and Wix. I put together a diagram that shows some pros and cons of each of these 3 platforms. Hopefully this will help as you make a decision.

WordPress vs. Squarespace vs. Wix

We love referrals!

If you know someone who needs help building a new website, redesigning their current website or could benefit from the other services we offer, please pass our contact info to them.