January 2018 Newsletter

Wednesday, January, 24th, 2018 at 10:41 pm by Melinda McCaw

Winter is flying by

Time flies when you’re having fun and that has definitely been the case here at Melinda McCaw Media. It seems like it was just yesterday that I wrote our last newsletter. With winter charging quickly towards spring here in Grand Junction, CO our team is keeping busy designing and developing amazing websites for our clients. Look us up if you need help with a project.

Brand new websites live!

Since the last newsletter we have pushed out quite a few new websites. We have worked hard to create the perfect website for each client to fit their needs. Below are the latest new sites we have launched to the internet. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image. To visit the live site click the links on each client name.

Runnit Racing
Ultimate Energy Services
Mays Concrete
Museums of Western Colorado

Tip of the Month

Today I would like to talk about social media and what it can do to grow your business.

Social Media can:

  1. Be a connection to your customers
  2. Help you gain recognition
  3. Be a platform to amplify the voice of your business
  4. Help you gain credibility
  5. Be used to target your audience in your advertising
  6. Get your business found easier

To learn more about this topic please read our blog post on this subject.

Welcome to our new clients

We are excited to welcome new clients to the Melinda McCaw Media family this month! Plans are already in the works for the amazing new websites we will be building for each of them. Welcome to Cornerstone Realty, Western Colorado Writer’s Forum and Runnit CNC. Thank you for choosing Melinda McCaw Media for your website design and development needs!

We love referrals!

If you know someone who needs help building a new website, redesigning their current website or could benefit from the other services we offer, please pass our contact info to them.