Grin from ear to ear
Last weekend we took advantage of the holiday weekend and spent the weekend at a friend’s place in Basalt. Skiing was the landscape. Lots of it! Finally Colorado is having winter and the snow is dumping! Of course we skied everyday. My grin still hasn’t faded, nor will it for quite some time.
Exploring Aspen Highlands
Saturday we explored Aspen Highlands. It was amazing! I had never skied at Aspen Highlands. It was well worth the visit. The day was a beautiful blue bird day and the temperature was mild. The highlight of the day for me was hiking the bowl. The hike has an elevation gain of 782 feet. At the top you are rewarded with an amazing and beautiful view. Surrounded by mountains in 360 degrees. Not to mention the extra benefit of the exercise you get from the hike!
Arriving at the top we strapped on our skis (after taking time for pictures of course) and the real fun began. We enjoyed descending the bowl through the trees floating through deep pillows of powder! At one point I fell in one of those powder pillows. I didn’t feel a thing. A few whoops of enjoyment escaped our lips as we descended. So much fun was had that we returned and hiked the bowl a 2nd time that day!
Aspen Sunday Fun
Sunday came and we arrived early to explore a different mountain. Aspen Mountain. It was another beautiful blue bird day. With no fresh powder or a bowl to hike our focus changed. We skied bumps and lots of them. By the days end we had found some really nice bumps with great lines that were soft. We enjoyed hitting the bumps hard and skiing fast.
Snowmass fun in the storm
Another storm hit! Yay! Monday was very very windy, snowy and cold. One had to ski hard all day to stay warm. This day wasn’t for the faint of heart. The beautiful thing is that it snowed all day and the roads were nasty Monday night. Bad roads are good? Yes!
The original plan was to meet up with the grandparents in Vail Monday night after skiing to pick up our daughter. We decided we didn’t want them to have to deal with holiday traffic and snowy, icy roads. After some quick calls it was arranged. We were staying another night and skiing on Tuesday! It was still snowing. Tuesday looked like it was going to be amazing.
Powder Grin Tuesday!
Tuesday morning we woke up early excited to check the snow report. Yay! Still snowing and 10” fresh powder reported at Snowmass! We were going to Snowmass. Quickly we packed up and headed out the door.
The day was filled with amazing turns in deep powder. We were grinning ear to ear all day long. We are still grinning. So much fun was had that we didn’t take time for pictures. Sorry.
Until next time. Have an amazing day!
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